Sandplay Therapy: A Step-By-Step Manual for Psychotherapists of Diverse Orientations
Barbara Labovitz Boik (Auteur), E.Anna Goodwin (Auteur)
Acheter neuf : EUR 30,93 (as of 01/06/2013 15:03 PST)
12 neuf & d'occasion a partir de EUR 21,23 (as of 01/06/2013 15:03 PST)
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Description du produit
Detailed instructions for doing sandplay, a powerful experiential therapeutic tool. Sandplay utilizes a small tray of wet or dry sand, in which clients create scenes using miniature objects-a nonverbal communication of their internal world. This practical guide describes how to create a sandplay therapy room; how to conduct sandplay therapy sessions; how to work with individuals, couples, and children; and how to record the creation of a sand world. All therapists will find this a valuable resource.
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